18 July 2007

Internal weather

A few weeks ago, our office was at 27 degrees C. We asked them to turn the heating down because, to use a favourite term of my mother's, we were spifflicating. I'd dressed for winter, but in only one layer, which was somewhat unfortunate -- especially because everyone else was busy peeling off layers. So it was with some amusement that yesterday we noted the office temperature was 14 degrees. From one extreme to the other. The classrooms weren't much warmer. My students were complaining -- and they had on coats. I had a thin, skivvy-like top and a warm vest, but my arms were freezing. Usually, I feel the cold in my upper arms, but yesterday it was my wrists.

As if I needed confirmation that it has been a cold winter, the gas bill arrived yesterday, and, boy, did it arrive. And, really, I'm not sure if it's been that much colder than other winters, but we've been so spoiled by the mild winters of the last few years that we've forgotten. I'm not going to say roll on summer, though. I'll take the fourteen over the twenty-seven every time. But next week, I'll remember to take a coat!