12 June 2008

You know you're living in a bad suburb when...

(i) You go to Coles and the checkout gals are talking about the customer who came in with the green bag he'd vomited in...

(ii) Some man pretending to be lost asks your son to get in the car with him and show him where the main street is...

(iii) Your number plates get stolen while the car is parked at the local railway station...

(iv) All of the above happen within seven days...


Cleo said...

ah i love NZ!!!

That sucks tho hun

mimbles said...

Yikes! That really is a bit disturbing :(

Sherryl said...

Goodness. I wouldn't have thought all those things in one week over your way. Now where I am, maybe, especially with the idiots that hang around the takeaway outlets.

Lisa66 said...

Welcome to my world!

Actually, it's surprising quiet in my neck of the woods, but you don't ever want to go to the local Safeway after about 9pm - creepy.

Very disturbing about your son.

Lisa66 said...

Hmmm, of course I meant surprisingly!!

Ellen said...

I had my number plates stolen once. It was the weirdest thing! I just stood and stared in stupification.

Tracey said...

Hi, Claire, lol. Mostly it's pretty quiet here. I love where I live. Really. Just this last week... I dunno.

Hey, Mim, yes, a little bit. Especially for my son, but luckily he's getting big and was able to tell the man where to get off.

Sherryl, well, see, you never can tell.

Lisa, at 13, though, he's now taller than his mum. Would've been a lot worse, I imagine, if he'd been smaller.

Ellen, apparently, it's pretty common now -- so they can steal petrol. The Gadget Man was telling someone who's recently come over from London, and they said that numberplates getting stolen in Australia was big news... And one of Mum's friends said police were at Deer Park station offering everyone free bolts to safeguard their numberplates against thieves. Of course after you pay for you new plates, you have to advise your insurance company, the RACV, the council permit people, the work permit people, CityLink... the list goes on.

Just T said...

That is awful about your son. My worst nightmare is something like that, or worse, happening to my kids. Good on you for raising a son with enough sense to tell this guy where to get off, and get out of there.

I think I would cry if I came back to my car and it had no number plates. The world is getting crazy!