16 March 2008

Those poor girls/teachers

You know, when a school plans out a two-week bike ride they take everything into consideration, including traffic and the weather. Who would've predicted such a prolonged heatwave so late in the season?

Princess Sleepyhead came home from school a few days ago with her report on the bike ride: six girls in hospital. Heat stroke/exhaustion, I think, and the poor PE teacher is having to ride non-stop, no doubt to keep the teams going. I'm not sure whether the plan was for him to do this or not, originally.

Those poor girls. And being six short likely means everyone else has to do more. Those poor teachers -- not just for the stress of having to keep it all going, but for feeling perhaps some measure (unwarranted) of guilt, and dealing with the worry of should they or shouldn't they go on. I hope the parents of the girls will all be forgiving! And now I'm not feeling quite so bad about PS not being allowed to go -- not that I would wish this on any of them. I hope the weather brings them some relief in their second week on the road.