29 March 2008

No chaos to report

What? I hear you say. What?

Yes, that's right: things are quiet in our household this weekend. As they were last weekend, only I wasn't around to know about it. (And so here are the obligatory photos of my weekend away.) So what is the trick? I hear you say. Well, the mothers and fathers of you.

Easy. Get rid of one kid.

Last week it was Sir Talkalot. His was actually an extended stay because he went to school camp Tuesday, came home Thursday and then, the same night, went to scout camp for four days. This week it's Princess Sleepyhead's turn. She's on a training camp for her World Challenge expedition at the end of the year.

I love camps. The house is peaceful. No-one is shouting, "You're a bastard" or "You're a bitch". I don't have to admonish a shouted "Fuck you" with a "You can't. That's incest!". (And don't they hate it when I say that!) There are no fists thumping into flesh, no sly pinches, or hip-and-shoulders. Honestly, I think I'm training them to be AFL recruits. I guess it's lucky it's not rugby! Anyway, peace and quiet means I can work on stuff for school and, even better, on my novel!


Cleo said...

ah kids, i love it!! You have them sorted :P lol

I love your photos!

Lisa66 said...

How true it is. And it even works when you have three kids - get rid of one and peace reigns.

Master 12 was at camp the week before Easter and it was blissfully quiet in our house. Then he came home, chaos returned and I found myself screaming (unfairly), "Do you know how peaceful it was when you weren't here???" (Bad, bad mother!)