10 November 2007

In the darkness, lightness!

For you, dear blog readers, what transpired as a long darkness included a time of lightness for me: my trip to Phillip Island on a writing retreat. Okay, I hate second person used like that. I won't do it again! (I'm slapping my wrist now!)

The best thing about getting away with another writer is the headspace you create for yourself. Headspace away from the chaos of everyday life. My husband was happy enough to let me go -- I'm sure by the time I got the phone call to say that one child had tipped boiling water over the other one's head (or near boiling as she doesn't seem to be burnt!), he was having second thoughts. Especially as the naughty child is still arguing, a week later, that she had it coming. Hmm. Even when I've talked about eyes cooking in their sockets he hasn't expressed any regrets. Hmm.

The children were less happy about me going.

"Why aren't you taking me?" one demanded.

"Why can't I go?" the other said.

The whole point about a weekend away is to get away from them -- especially when every time the writer tries to write one child insists on standing next to the computer, talking. Talking, talking, talking. Non-stop. That child can't stand not being the centre of attention all the time. That child rang and asked, somewhat belligerently, "Are you having a great time?"

"I'm having a fabulous time," I said, and heard the disappointment in his grunt.

"Good," he said, "because I'm not."

"Oh, I'm having a terrific time," I said. "I've written so many words!" That cheered him up. He didn't mind that I was having a great time as long as it was working. And we worked lots. Wrote lots. And included some inspirational walks. Of course, I didn't tell him about those.

I've posted pics on my Spec Fic blog that shows one of the walks we went on, one that is reminiscent of parts of the coast where my novel is set. These, a bit more spectacular, are from the other side of Phillip Island, but not so much like where my characters are.


Ellen said...

But these are so like where *my* characters are! gorgeous.
I must say, I was a little shocked about the boiling water incident -- but I thought it was poured over her hand, not her head! Now I'm even more shocked!
So glad you had a good time. Me too.

Tracey said...

Yes, I hadn't realised it was her head either. I'm shocked that there's still no regret or guilt about the incident, but I will continue explaining why it is not appropriate behaviour and hope it somehow gets through.

Really, I just wanna go back! Wah!