05 April 2008

Now it's me...

falling apart. Today, I lost half of a tooth. I was eating something I shouldn't (of course!) -- some Toblerone -- and said to my son, "Ooh, it's got a bone in it." And of course we both thought this was a bit silly, so then I thought it must be a stone -- only my tongue found this new sharp object in my mouth. Yuck. Lots of new sharp angles -- quite uncomfortable, but the good news is that the nerve isn't exposed. That's the worst thing. I've had teeth play up that hurt when I opened my mouth to speak because the air temperature was cooler than the air temperature in my mouth. This isn't actually hurting, and it's a second-back tooth, so I'm spared the embarrassment of not being able to open my mouth in public. Which is good because I have work commitments and won't be able to get to the dentist for a few days.

In the meantime, as far as the house roundup goes: I have no idea what's happening with the fence. Our neighbours are in a rental property and had contacted the estate agent, and the owner wants to make all the arrangements because he can claim it on his tax. Only we don't know what's going on. And if I'm at work I'll have to make arrangements for my dogs.

In between doing stuff for work today, I've been to the movies to see In the shadow of the moon, and I am just ... WOW! Oh, I have been a space geek for as long as I can remember -- largely because I am just old enough to remember the moon landings, and the huge effect that had on my life. I remember visiting NASA (in Houston, at the Cape, at Langley...) and at Houston, the audience being quizzed -- "Which American made the first space walk?" and muttering "Ed White" under my breath -- knowing all the answers and being too shy to put up my hand, and the guy doing the quizzing being disappointed that no-one knew any of this stuff. Oh, my God. I was as excited to be in those places -- and to visit the Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian -- as I was to visit Tintagel in England. Ask my mum about me in any of those places... Pigs in shit and all of that! Walking on an orange gantry! Running my hand along a Saturn V! Is that heaven, or what?


Briar said...

Tracey I've often thought what lovely teeth and a beautiful smile you have- so I can imagine you want to keep that!
I've just finally gotten a porcelain veneer crown on my bicuspid so I can smile fully, knowing there isn't a greying, broken tooth there- I think it was worth the money.

Oh, and I think I would love that movie- being a big space and science fiction fan myself...

Tracey said...

You'll have to go see the movie. Hopefully it's in Geelong too. It was only at a few of the arthouse movies here. Made me go out and watch The right stuff again, which I just love. (And how hot is Sam Shepherd as Chuck Yeager! lol)

Thanks for the comment on my teeth! lol. It's like anything -- you just take what you do have for granted. We all do it. (Well, perhaps not all, but a lot of us do!)