25 December 2007

Final lot

At the risk of this seeming like a wildflowers blog, I wanted to add the last of the Prom wildflower posts. I haven't labelled any of the flowers. Some I recognise: teatree (Leptospermum), crowea, correa, myrtle (Calytrix), pigface etc, and some I don't. In any case, it wasn't meant to be a scientific expedition -- did all that classification years ago at uni. (Though I don't know that we ever looked at plants -- our bias was more towards the animal kingdom.) All I wanted to do was document what I saw after the bushfires. And I was amazed at how many different species I did see.

There's something about walking around with a camera that makes me notice things more. Wildflowers at the Prom are not present en masse -- just odd little specimens here and there. If I wasn't looking for them, taking note, if I wasn't walking around camera in hand, chances are I wouldn't have noticed them. The other bushwalkers, walking at much more brisk paces than we were, didn't seem to stop and notice them. And to me that's part of the joy of walking: taking note of all the wildlife around, though admittedly I could do without the pesky march flies!

So, where are the shots of scenery, you might ask -- they're all on the Speculating about Fiction blog. Don't know why the separation -- it's just how it worked out.